Watershed Management Plans & Reports

URRWMO Watershed Management Plan
The URRWMO’s mission and activities are guided by their Watershed Management Plan, which is updated every 10 years. Additionally, each of the six URRWMO member municipalities must adopt a Local Water Management Plan that is consistent with the URRWMO Plan. The new plan covers 2019-2028.

Watershed Management Plan:
1 Plan Text
2 Plan Figures
3 Plan Appendices
4 State Approval Order
Adoption of Resolution

Guidance Documents:
Financial Policies
Projects Prioritization
Lake George Water Quality Improvement Assessment
Rum River Field Assessment 2017 and 2018
City of St. Francis Stormwater Retrofit Analysis

Joint Powers Agreement:The URRWMO was created through a joint powers agreement between the six member cities of Bethel, East Bethel, Ham Lake, Nowthen, Oak Grove and St. Francis.  Governance of the organizations follow the JPA.
Joint Powers Agreement

URRWMO Standards
URRWMO Data Practices Policy and Data Request Forms
Landlocked Basin Standards
Wetland Standards
Stormwater Infiltration Standards
Culvert Inventory Protocols For Cities

URRWMO Annual Reports
Each year the URRWMO produces an annual report pursuant to Minnesota Rules 8410.0150 that inculdes activities, progress toward goals, and finances. Reports for each year are completed by mid-April of the following year.

2023 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2016 Annual Report
2015 Annual Report
2014 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report
2011 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report
2009 Annual Report
2008 Annual Report
2007 Annual Report

URRWMO Mini-reports to Cities

Mini Report 2020
Mini Report 2019

Data Practices Policy

URRWMO Annual Newsletter Articles

2019 Newsletter
2018 Newsletter
2017 Newsletter
2016 Newsletter
2015 Newsletter
2014 Newsletter
2013 Newsletter
2012 Newsletter
2011 Newsletter
2010 Newsletter
2009 Newsletter